
See what love can look like

This moment was weeks in the making.  We decided that it was time for the 5 year old to learn how to ride her bike without the training wheels so off they went.   I was a little hesitant at first because she has a tendency to be very clumsy, just like her mama.

She was really nervous and had a few moments in the beginning when she didn’t want to try any more but that wasn’t going to happen.  She was really wobbly and kept getting frustrated that she couldn’t get it but yesterday was a special day.  In the backyard she decided that she needed to try again… on her own… and she did.  She tried and tried and finally got it down.  Of course I had to run in as fast as my feet would take me and grab my camera for this special moment.  I feel like this moment came too fast, next thing you know she’ll be mastering another set of wheels… where does the time go.  Click here for a few more shots of this special day.

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