I’m old enough to not remember what the heck a “promposal” is. If you haven’t heard, they’re a thing. A major thing. It’s like a proposal, but for prom. So.Much.Pressure.
I was at the beach today doing a completely different shoot, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed this sweet, young man hiding behind one of the pier pillars holding some sunflowers. I love sunflowers, I think that’s what caught my attention. Then I noticed he had some friends holding some letters, so I had to ask. “What the heck is going on here?!!” I think that’s along the lines of what I said and he proceeded to tell me that it was a promposal. A PROMPOSAL?!! I asked myself in my head but didn’t want to seem uncool so I smiled and nodded like I understood.
I finally pieced it together and asked him if I could get pictures of it. Green light. So we waited. And waited some more. Then she finally arrived, but went in a different direction from what we were expecting so I had to do some mild aerobic exercise in the sand and walk very fast to catch up. I caught my breath and it was show time! I’ve never witnessed a promposal before so it was exciting. AND SHE SAID YES!!! Then I went back to my photo shoot.
Eduardo was kind enough to let me share these pics with you guys. Have fun at prom!
Promposals sound like too much work and pressure.
Of course my high school didn’t even have a prom.
Lovely couple and lovely photography Andrea. You caught them in natural poses, likely because you were able to make them all feel at ease. Well done!