
See what love can look like

I met Allana and instantly fell in love with her energy, she’s like a petite ray of sunshine…. with muscles…. lot’s of muscles. Needless to say, I could hear my own muscle tone giggling during this two part shoot but it was super fun! She has a six pack and a rock hard booty and she’s earned it, this girl works hard. She even got shiny trophies because of all her hard fitness work.

After we got together the first time she contacted me about wanting to shoot with her “swolemate”, that’s right, swolemate. They’re a match made in muscly heaven. Working with these two was amazing and their dedication and commitment to a fit lifestyle is infectious. Narrowing it down to all these images to share with you was torture, but I don’t want us to cry ourselves to sleep over our missing six packs, so enjoy the show! (You can follow their amazing fitness journey on Instagram: Allana & SnoopLBC)

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