
See what love can look like

Last Monday my mom called and expressed concern about my little brother who is 13, she thought there might be something wrong with his health so we made an appointment for him right away to be seen the next day.  Wednesday the results came in and he had to be rushed to the ER immediately, his blood sugar levels were insane!  He finally got to go home yesterday. After almost a week of worry and stress, life will no longer be the same for him, or my parents.  He was diagnosed with diabetes, it looks like it’s most likely type 2 but we won’t know for sure for  another few weeks.

Having a little brother as young as he is is a challenge.  I wish I had more time to spend with him, I wish I lived closer to him, I wish it didn’t take for something like this for me to call him every single day to tell him that I love him.   As a wife and mother life can be hectic within my own family unit, add a feisty teenager to the mix and things get interesting fast. When I went to see him at the hospital I was pleasantly surprised, he was having the time of his life.  Who doesn’t like being catered to all day.  Of course, mom won’t be doing that so I’m sure he’ll begin to miss the hospital staff very soon.  I was impressed at how fast he learned to count his carbs and how much he needs to be consuming along with his insulin shots.   For someone who doesn’t like math he sure caught on quick.  We joked about who really needs this math in real life, well… he does, so now it’s beginning to make sense to him.

I was able to get a few pictures of my little brother to document the day his life changed, but  I was only able to get his approval to post a few.  So here they are, my big baby brother.  I love you with all my heart little man, never forget.

Make your days count, make your love known today for tomorrow is not promised to us. Have a great Tuesday.


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